湮灭 Annihilation


Design Director_Bosom



Time To Market_2021


世界就是一个“圈”——万事万物跳脱不出“循环”。 碳,化学公式为C,就像是“圈”上空缺的那一块。每一块木头,几乎是生于火中、毁于火中,又在火的灰烬里重生,概括了世间运行的某种规律。由它来塑造的万事万物,好似被归置到了一个更加庞大的循环往复之中——“碳塑”。不论何种形式,它们都被碳重塑,离开了它们作为物品的既定命运循环。当事物的命运被重塑、被编上号码、被人们持有,这一系列的行为仿佛在为自己一生无数次循环往复的命运做注解。 

湮灭系列-AJ one


雕塑家王俨作品之一,代表着其创作方向的一个转折,将思考从动物转移到了事物上,但始终都将目光停留在一切生生不息的循环之上。这件作品由木材碳化而成,脱胎自一件球鞋收藏中具有代表性的AJ one。这双鞋背后有过关于乔丹与他那个时代的故事,仿佛就成了球鞋收藏行为中传递的圣火,人们如同忠诚的信徒,用金钱与追逐将圣火高举。 字体设计从「湮灭」出发,打造消散的效果,直接呈现其本义-毁灭消失,同时取意于电影「湮灭」反复出现的镭射画面,采用黑色纸张烫镭射黑。该产品从实用物品中抽离,将其碳塑之后呈现另一个物品的形态,同时保留鞋带与标签,模糊作品与物品的界限。 

Annihilation series


The world is a "circle" -- everything can't get out of the "circle". Carbon, the chemical formula C, is like the missing piece in the ring. Almost every piece of wood, born in the fire, destroyed in the fire, and reborn from the ashes of the fire, sums up some law of the workings of the world. Everything shaped by it seems to be placed in a larger cycle -- "carbon plastic". In whatever form, they are reshaped by carbon, leaving the cycle of their destiny as objects. When the destinies of things are remade, numbered and held by people, this series of actions seem to explain the fate of countless cycles in one's life. 

 Annihilation series


AJ one - Sculptor Wang Yan's works represent a turning point in his creation direction, shifting his thinking from animals to things, but always keeping his eyes on the endless cycle of life and growth. Made from carbonized wood, the piece is adapted from the iconic AJ One shoe collection. The shoes, with the story of Jordan and his time behind them, are like a flame passed through the sneaker collection, held high by faithful believers with money and pursuit. The font design starts from "Annihilation" to create the effect of dissipation, which directly presents its original meaning - destruction and disappearance. Meanwhile, it takes the meaning of the laser picture that appears repeatedly in the film "Annihilation" and uses black paper to heat the laser black. The product is removed from the practical object, and then transformed into the shape of another object, while retaining the shoelaces and labels, blurring the boundary between the work and the object.