朕的醉爱 · 龙井10000


Design Director_Bosom



Time To Market_2020




Longjing tea is best known as Longjing in the West Lake District. Longjing tea is famous for its green color, beautiful shape, fragrant flavor and mellow taste. It is unique among many teas and ranks first among China's top ten famous teas. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong made six trips to Jiangnan and four to Longjing, inscribed six poems about Longjing tea, personally sealed "eighteen tea trees", and elevated Longjing tea to a supreme status.

When looking for documents related to Qianlong, he found that his daily hobby collection has his own collection box-carved red sandalwood panlong square box of 100 pieces. Extract the dragon pattern of one of the collections of Qianlong's precious love-white marble accessories, find its matching point with Longjing, refine and refine the dragon pattern, and combine it with the direction of the word "jing" and the cross pattern.

The overall shape of the package resembles a jade seal, reflecting royal nobility. Qianlong likes to affix his own seal on the objects he likes and appreciates, so the main mark is "Emperor's favorite", which takes the form of a seal, the type is the seal script commonly used on the jade seal, and the back is printed with "Emperor's favorite" full Text. The color of Emperor Yellow and Longjing Green is used to reflect the royal culture while retaining the Jiangnan Longjing atmosphere.